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Hotel du Lac by Anita Brookner-Mini Book Review.

"My idea of absolute happiness is to sit in a hot garden all day, reading, or writing, utterly safe in the knowledge that the person I love will come home to me in the evening. Every evening."

Winner of the 1984 Booker Prize, Hotel du Lac is a quiet book about Edith Hope, an author of successful romance novels who has been exiled from her home and seeks refuge at the Hotel du Lac. She begins to observe the other guests at the hotel and becomes acquainted with some.

Despite being under 200 pages, this wasn't a quick read for me. The author took her time to very eloquently describe many observations on love and solitude. I loved the atmosphere and descriptions of people that Edith observes. This is a clever, quiet and elegantly written book.

This book is part of one of my reading challenges- to read all the Booker Prize Winners. I don't think this book will be everyone's cup of tea, so if you don't like slow paced, character driven books with not much going on and almost no specific plot, you may not like it. I don't feel like this will be a very memorable book for me but I liked reading it and I loved the quiet atmospheric feel of the book.


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